Introducing STREAKS

Create challenges to track event attendance over time

Ministry apps
for pastors.

Communicate with personalized care
by leveraging the information you track.

You don’t have to worry.

Too many pastors are wondering if their ministries are effective or if people are sticking. But we believe in empowering leaders with tools to easily capture and report ministry needs as well as ministry wins.

Contact Info

Instead of a cluttered address book, contacts in MinHub hold all the info you need for your people.

Moments Matter

MinHub makes it simple to track attendance at events and record meaningful ministry moments.

Timely Connections

Send bulk texts to exactly the right people or utilize MinHub Portal to post messages and ministry announcements.

Investing in MinHub is right for you if…

You’re WORRIED about people slipping through the cracks that should get cared for and would love to create CERTAINTY in your ministry.

You’re FRUSTRATED because you’ve reached a breaking point in your ministry where you’re not sure who is getting cared for and which leaders may need some training..

You know that God has more in store for the people in your city and you’re AFRAID that you might be missing some elements of organization that could free up your time.

Despite previous failed attempts, you KNOW having a system would help your ministry GROW by increasing CONNECTION and EMPOWERING others.

Have a question? Chat with Kurt in the corner. ➘